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Parent/carer Coffee Mornings

From September 2024 we will be running coffee mornings for parents/carers of children with SEND in the DSPL3 area.

The aim of these relaxed meetings is to provide our parents and carers with support, information and networking opportunities, including:

  • To provide a safe space where you can talk freely about your child/young person and your family, and the challenges you are facing
  • To help signpost parents/carers to the correct services/information
  • To enable parents/carers to meet other local parents and connect with like-minded people in their community that may be going through similar challenges
  • To be a listening and understanding ear, without judgement
  • To help parents/carers feel that they are being supported and are not alone

Parents are welcome to bring along toddlers and children - including those that may be struggling to attend school for whatever reason.  And of course, refreshments will be provided!

We will aim to always have the following – DSPL3 Area Manager, DSPL3 SEND Lead, representatives from our Outreach Team (Family Support Worker, Primary and Secondary Outreach Teacher) and various other professionals in attendance.  There is a vast amount of knowledge amongst these professionals so please come and see us – there is no need to book, you can just turn up.  We really look forward to seeing you.

Our next coffee mornings will take place as follows:




13th November 2024

10 – 11.30am

Priors Wood Primary, Ware, SG12 7HZ

19th March 2025

10 – 11.30am

Windhill21 Primary, Bishop's Stortford, CM23 2NE

11th June 2025

10 – 11.30am

Millfield First, Buntingford, SG9 6DT