Rivers ESC
Rivers Outreach Teams
Rivers Primary Outreach Team
Rivers Educational Support Centre (ESC) provides a targeted and specialist primary behaviour service in DSPL3, for primary aged pupils, with high level social, emotional and mental health needs (SEMH).
This includes:
- Outreach support for schools and individual pupils with SEMH
- Intervention for pupils at risk of fixed term and permanent exclusion
- Provision of tuition from the 6th day of permanent exclusion, in a mainstream school
This service will:
- Work in partnership with staff in local Primary Schools to model approaches, offer strategies and support staff to create personalised resources for individual pupils and small groups
- Work directly with pupils either 1:1 or in small groups
- Work with school staff to identify individual pupils’ needs and develop a graduated response
- Work in partnership with school staff and parents/carers to create personalised support agreements to meet the needs of pupils with SEMH, who are at risk of fixed term and permanent exclusion
- Offer bespoke support for school staff, for example: understanding individual pupil behaviour, writing Risk Reduction Plans, whole class and individual strategies and solution focused meetings
- Facilitate half-termly Network Meetings for staff working with pupils with Education Health and Care Plans or LHNF funding for SEMH
The DSPL3 Primary Outreach Manager is Karen Bent - karen.bent@riversesc.herts.sch.uk
Rivers Secondary Outreach Team
Rivers ESC Secondary Outreach provide support for pupils in mainstream schools whose behaviour is giving cause for concern.
This support is provided within the pupil’s school. The aim is to reduce problems and prevent further escalation of difficult behaviour and to re-engage students with their learning. The focus is behaviour for learning.
Programmes of intervention to reduce the risk of exclusion are agreed between the outreach worker and the school and include:
- Topics of work – 1:1 individual sessions with students designed around their needs to help them develop appropriate self-management strategies
- Work with students to support them with emotional difficulties, anger management, self-esteem and relationship difficulties
- Small group work with children the school have identified as needing to develop their team building skills or who are proving a challenge to manage
- Support with Pastoral Support Plans – and target setting through consultation with teachers
- Staff support – collaborative problem solving
- Lesson observations to inform outreach planning
- Support for parents in partnership with schools and other services/agencies
- Review of support
- For students returning to mainstream school post exclusion, we have a reintegration support service
- Support the reintegration of ‘hard to place’ pupils
- Transition Projects
- Helpline
- Crisis intervention is possible in some cases for complex cases in schools
- Avice for schools working with pupils who have an EHCP can be offered e.g. ASD, ADHD, ADD etc
- Social and communication skills addressed if appropriate
- Personal responsibility for behaviour is encouraged
- Evaluations on the Programme of support are gathered from the pupil, parents and school
The DSPL3 Secondary Outreach Manager is Kate Goodwin - k.goodwin@riversesc.herts.sch.uk
For more information please visit: https://www.riversesc.herts.sch.uk/