Quotes from schools, settings, professionals, parents/carers and pupils
"I just wanted to say 'thank you' to you for the workshops you delivered across the year 5 and 6 classes. Staff and children have been raving about them and found them so inspiring and informative."
"Without your support at home these last 6 months, we wouldn't be where we are now. Our son is able to leave the house happily and is back to school full-time. The detailed step-by-step support on changing our language due to huge demand avoidance and anxiety has been invaluable..." Thank you.
"Following the workshop on ASD, one pupil came up to me after the session and thanked me for helping his friends to understand him better."
“Perfect thank you – you are as ever a superstar!”
“Thank you so much for delivering the Neurodiversity workshops to our classes! There has been overwhelmingly positive feedback from staff, pupils and parents. The children in my class said how it really helped them in understanding how their brain works and helped them understand more about their diagnosis. Staff commented on the positive engagement that the children had and how insightful the content was. Parents have also commented praising the feedback from the children. Thank you again it is greatly appreciated! “
“You visited my daughter both at our home and at school in the summer term to help with her transition to secondary school in September.
I just wanted to say a huge thank you for your help, support and suggestions provided. Although she had a struggle throughout the summer holidays with the impending move, she started day 1 without any hesitation and has had a very steady start to the year there so far.
The support and help provided by school and yourself have no doubt played a huge part in this, so just wanted to let you know and thank you!”
“We also wanted to say a big thank you to the DSPL3 team! Both support from the Family Support worker at home and school meetings and the school visit have resulted in some really helpful strategies and support for X who is much happier and more settled - thank you.”
“That was a super quick reply! You have him in a nutshell - any advice and/or support we can implement would be gratefully received”.
"So lovely to meet you yesterday, thanks ever so much for your support. It was actually the best support from the school he has ever been offered in relation to getting into school, so I shall put that one down to you!"