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Some children may need particular help, including from other agencies, to ensure that their transition is as smooth as possible. Research suggests that transitions are central to young children’s development and emotional wellbeing. How the first transitions are handled can have a significant impact on a child’s capacity to cope with change in the short and long term and impact on the progress they make from their starting points.

HFL Education has been commissioned by Hertfordshire County Council to undertake a Transition Project to review and develop transition processes for children aged between 3 and 5 years across Hertfordshire.

The project is designed to further improve the early identification and support for all children, particularly those with potential barriers to learning.

For further information please click here to go to the HFL website:

Secondary Transitions

In addition to the above work, DSPL3 have identified that a smooth and robust transition plan into Secondary School is vital to give our children the best chances of success.

Our Secondary Outreach Teacher already provides transition support and is highly valued by our schools. To compliment that work, we have identified 2 key meetings we believe will further support the smooth transition for our pupils going forward for the new academic year 2024/25, they are:

  • Reflection Meeting (25th September 2024) – Meeting with all Secondary SENCO’s to discuss and reflect what practices and plans they put in place, what has worked well, what hasn’t worked, sharing of good practice and ideas, listening to what other schools have done and planning for the next year ahead
  • SENCO ‘speed-dating’ transition Meeting (7th May 2025) – A face-to-face meeting where each Secondary school will be set up in a hall at a desk, and Primary schools will have booked a time slot with them. This should ensure sharing of information and discussions of pupil’s strengths/needs/EHCP plans, to give greater depth of understanding about the pupils that are transitioning to their schools and to generally get to know them better and pass information over. The idea is that by the end of the day almost all pupil information has been passed over from Primary SENCO to Secondary SENCO. We will have various other professionals in attendance on hand too that may be useful/relevant to the process


DSPL3 has written some guidance below to show what a good transition might look like: